Clean Up 419



Partners for Clean Streams

Partners for Clean Streams is a local nonprofit serving the Maumee and Toledo area. The nonprofit aims to clean up local streams, rivers, and waterways. They host a variety of annual cleaning events and can assist local cleanup efforts by providing supplies.

Engage Toledo

The Engage Toledo webpage provides instructions for reaching Toledo officials about various community concerns. This is where complaints about trash around the community can be filed.

How to Pick Up Litter

This is an in depth guide on how to pick up litter in your community. Community service is a great way to get in touch with nature, so get out there and clean up your community!

Find Your Representative

Find Your Representative is a website that allows users to find their district representative by zip code. Information for contacting your appropriate representative is also provided. It is important to let your representatives know that you care about the environment, so make your voice heard!

Eco Friendly Alternatives

An important part of becoming more eco-conscious is changing daily consumption habits. This article provides a list of commonly used household items that have an eco-friendly alternative.